Hiking into the Upper Oyster on the Ice Highway in January
Wow, 2017 has come to an end and now a few days into 2018. This gives me the opportunity to look back at the past years paddling and rafting on the Island and in the Yukon. Got to meet some fantastic people and catch up with lots of friends throughout the season.
Had a good days paddling in February, including the Upper Gold at excellent flows. Was excellent to visit the Gordon river during the Gordon Creek race event. Had a good time at the Cowichan Youth Kayaking Festival on the Cowichan river. Had a good trip to Gold River with Joe, Steve and Harold. We hit up the Upper Upper and Monkey Canyon, also managed to squeeze in the Heber river.
Spent part of the summer working in the Yukon managaged to work on the Alsek river and Trip Lead two Tatshenshini river trips. So amazing spending time in the area.
Then it was back to the Island and paddling for the fall season. The rain was a bit slower in coming this year but still managed to paddle a bunch in the end of October and most of November.
I picked up the Jackson Kayak Antix and had a grand time paddling it on a lot of the Vancouver Island classics such as the Koksilah, Upper Puntledge, Upper Gordon, The Cameron, The Upper Oyster, The Lower Browns and the Adams.
Again big thanks to Western Canoeing and Kayaking for their continued support.
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A few of the shots from paddling in snow, Waterfalls, Gordon river Creek race and the CRYK festival
Taking my Sisters, Brother in laws, nieces and nephew out for a rafting trip.
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Gordon river, Gold River, Heber, Guiding on the Nimpkish, the Adam, and teaching with the Colt Program
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Working in the North. Tatshenshini, the Alsek and the Tutshi river.
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Back to the Island. Fall with the COLT program, teaching with NIC and some wonderful kayaking on the Island.
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