The Oyster river is just north of the Comox Valley, it is a fun class 3-3+ run(4 at high flows). Having hit it at a number of different levels this past year made it a easy go run for myself and other paddlers in the area. The road to the river is in good condition and there is a trail to the put in with another trail to scout the first rapid – Sobriety Test. The Oyster had been running a bunch this fall and it was great to have a local run to get out on.
There are some sections that haven’t been explored in this system, lots to check out but one of the main problems are access. Within this area and others on the Island we are getting sections of roads closed down which is making it more difficult to get into certain runs.
Good times and worth the adventure of playing out in this area. More exploring to do.
Enjoy the pictures,
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