Ucona River, Vancouver Island.

Jakub at the put in for the Ucona. Off to the first drop.

The morning of Sunday, was an even later start. All good however as the river was only 15mins away. Had a great sleep under a picnic table testing out my bivy in the west coast rain. It worked well both nights keeping me totally dry and warm.
After some breakfast, procrastination, some coffee, feeding the dog, packing up the tents, some more procrastination, we made it to the put in bridge for the Ucona river by 11ish am.
Shayne was the only one who had been down the river, but because of the prior commitments he was unable to come with us, so with some quick instruction and remarks where some of the high points and take out where on this 3.5km run we where off. The last comment I remember was it should just take us an hour!
Well it certainly was a fun hour……we actually got an extra 1.5hrs. Always remember to add time for each group member. What a river. A grade five, a couple of grade fours and some nice grade three set in a beautiful west coast gorge.
My favorite the double 5m drops at the end of the run. The first one is a super clean boof, then a short passage of moving water to avoid a tree on river left. Then plugging your boat off the river right, both myself and Peppi subbing out for around 5secs in our SCUDS.
Looking at my altimeter at the end of the trip it was cool to see how much gradient we had lost, 250ft in 3.5kms. Lovely bit of river to go kayaking on.
The river involved the typical BC bushwhack to get to the cars parked up on logging road in the midst of a cut block.
So far this river has missed being put on the list for micro hydro or IPP and hopefully it does for a while. With the amount of good rivers in close location to the town of Gold River it reminds me of Whistler.
Enjoy the Photos.
Jakub having the morning coffee before really waking up.
Jakub really waking up with some airtime on the Ucona river. Photo by Nicolaus Jrummer.
Nicolaus in the middle of one of the rock gardens.
Antje checking out the chute among the usual BC timber.
Nicolaus entering one of the chutes.
Antje flying off a sweet boof. Jakub looking on.
High flying Jakub on one of the last drops on this section of the Ucona. Photo by Nicolaus Jrummer.
View from above as Dave launches. Photo by Antje.
Side view of the same drop. The SCUD rocks. Photo by Nicolaus Jrummer.
From the drop in the last picture you head down stream avoiding the log on river left. Get high on the outside, turn toward the right and plug the last drop. So much fun. Photo by Antje Boehm.
Here is Peppi dropping that last drop in these three shots. Just do that and prepare for a bit of down time. Jakub on the other hand in his Jefe briefly disappeared. Photos by Nicolaus Jrummer.

At the end of the trip we hiked in the typical BC fashion….. through the trees. Photo by Peppi.

BC bushwhack into a clear cut, then over to the cars and from there to the Ridge Pub. Yea, Cold Beer.
Photos By David Prothero


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