Posts about Whitewater

Drybags Are Great – Here Is What I Keep In Mine

For a while now, I have been using an NRS Expedition DriDuffel dry bag in Citrus. It[…]

Clearwater River Is Amazing – Five Days In Paradise

Arriving at the Clearwater River was grand. Warm water playboating for the next five days. Set up[…]

A return to the Tsable river – 20 years on

The Tsable River is located in Buckley Bay, it was paddled over twenty years ago by Shayne[…]

Adventures on the River with COLT

Spending time on the river with people is a great thing. Over the past couple of months,[…]

A trip down the Tatshenshini river in August

This August was an opportunity to go on the Tatshenshini (Tat) with two excellent co-guides and some[…]

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