Some Highlights From A Great Year On The Water In 2024

Looking back over the course of 2024 there has been some great memories of spending time on Rivers. At festivals and on adventures, exploring different areas of the Island and seeing some interesting places.

Here are a few of the Highlights.

Spring Puntledge and Browns Laps were amazing this year with the levels peaking at lose to 350 (Cubic Meters per sec). This brought in Spectator wave for a total of 4 days. Its an amazing surf wave.

Managed to mix in a few days of backcountry touring with Jody, and a few friends. The snowpack was not the best however it was fun to get out and explore.

Kennedy river views after a ski trip up 5040 with Jody Lownds.

Managed a couple of missions – one to the salmon river, specifically to check out the mythical canyon a little south of the Big Tree Main line. Another one with Kiril to paddle the Tsable river Canyon, which was first paddled in 2003. Next time we plan to paddled it by putting in below the 100ft nanaimo sandstone block waterfall. Pretty wild spot.

Author and Kiril Stoked at the Tsable river put – in.

Taught rafting and kayaking with the ROAMS program at SD 69 in Qualicum, also doing a Raft Guide Course with North Island College and ROAMS a number of students getting certification for the BC Rafting Outfitters Association.

Rafting during a BCROA course on the Middle Gold river

Teaching also took place on a few spots up and down Vancouver Island as I have been teach for Raven Rescue for a couple of years now. Had great times with students on the rivers, teaching rescue skills and how to be safe on rivers.

Festivals on the island were grand as always. Had good times attending the Gordon River Fest which had perfect flows and sunshine for the first time in years. Saw loads of friends while attending Heber Fever fest on the Gold river with Jody. Then had the Youth Kayak fest with 70 youth paddling on the Cowichan River.

A highlight of the Spring was a trip with Joe, Kiril, Scott and I down the Bedwell river. This involved hiking up over Bedwell lake with kayaks on our back. Then down the other side till we put in after lunch the next day. Then paddling out the river to Bedwell Sound, catching a water taxi to Tofino. Some fish and chips before a Tesla shuttle to cars in Qualicum.

Had a good teaching season with Canadian Outdoor Leadership Training working with Good Friends Laurel and Ian.

Summer involves travelling to the North of Canada for work with Canadian River Expeditions – Two Firth Trips with great guides and clients. A mix of weather kept things interesting from beautiful sunshine, WIND, rain and fog.

Firth River

End of some season was back into healthcare work, a trip to Clearwater and Texada island with Jody. Then some more teaching with Raven Rescue and the Global ROAMS program.

Jody Lownds Surfing up on the Clearwater
View from Gilles Bay on Texada Island

The last few months of the year have been quite wet which has allowed for some excellent paddling and hanging out with lots of friends on different rivers around Vancouver Island. Picked up a couple of new boats this year, paddled some new sections and explored a bit more around the Comox Valley.

Look forward to more river time in 2025 and seeing people out on the water either at festivals, exploring or doing river runs, doing courses or teaching. Fun times ahead, to wonderful healthy adventures.

Senya Norman on the Ledge (Upper Oyster)


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