SAR teams, boats, and swiftwater make for an excellent weekend

This past weekend I was able to attend an Advanced Swiftwater course to audit my skills. I also got to meet members of the Comox Valley, Campbell River, and Ladysmith Sar teams as they trained on the Puntledge River, on a course run by Raven Rescue.

During the days on the course, we worked on boating skills and several scenarios, and we got to work at a few different sections of the Puntledge River.

PWC used at Condensary Bridge working on how to pick people up in the water and off objects.

Working Skills and Scenarios at the old Rail bridge above Condensary

Working different skills in the NRS X-Sled Rescue 115
Working scenarios and different tools in the dark
Teams training in a moving water environment

Scenarios are good for practicing skills.. a patient here is extracted from a Rapid on the NRS X-Sled

Getting set to cross the current as part of the Boat skills

Working on boat skills is sometimes good, other times it leads to spills.

We’re All Between Swims (Whitewater Saying)

Patients view as rescuer’s approach during a scenario

Search and Rescue members after a fun weekend on the water.

Great times and heaps of learning happened as Craig led the group through the course. It was a good opportunity for me to see how Search And Rescue teams operate. I observed the skills they have, the training they undergo, and the tools they have at their disposal.


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