Port Renfrew Kayaking Weekend

The Ritz, Rivers and Scotch weekend.

This past weekend was a good one. I finished school on the friday, such a nice feeling. From there I headed off to a SRT course with Raven Rescue that took place on the Englishman and Nanaimo rivers. Good cold swimming in tose rivers. Good refresher on skills before heading off to Port Renfrew. Arrived there late on Sunday night and started to check out the flows. Love my little Ipod Touch, as it enabled me to wander down the street to check the river flows off an unrestricted wireless.
The next Moring I got up early to shoot some photos of Shayne surfing out at the mouth of the Gordon River. Nice rolling sets in his homemade surf Boat. Was loving my EOS 50D and 300mm f4 lens. Was able to sit on the beach and get a few nice shots.
By 10am we were loaded with one group heading off to the Gordon and the other consisting of Jeff, Shayne, Daniel, Denny and myself for the Harris River Canyon. If you have seen this river on the way to Port Renfrew you know it is a steep little section. Totalling 2kms long with 5% gradient it is exciting.

Being my first serious creek in awhile it was a good experince with a couple of walks. The last corner was a bit of a mission with some rope work a good ferry across above an interesting looking drop and lots of cool rapids. Two swims were totalled on the run, and one hike out. Which led to a drink from the bootie. UMMM tasty.
Arriving back at the Base in Port Renfrew, known as the Ritz we started to plan the next day. With Mike Neville and Willie showing up we indulged in some nice single malt scotch before crashing for the night.
The next days plan consisted of the upper Gordon river, a Vancouver Island classic, and the middle Hemingstion.
Both were beautiful runs. Unfortunately it was raining quite heavily so not many photos from that day.

It was a great time and finished it off with a quick run down the Cameron river near Mt Arrowsmith on Wednesday morning. A couple of logs too avoid, other than that it was sweet, succulent run a 6 on the gauge. Just a big long waterslide.

Enjoy the Photos!





© Dave Prothero Photography/ Rafting Life 2010


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