The last part of the COLT program that I help with is the WW3. This usually takes us out to the Nimpkish river. This fall had been quite wet and we weren’t sure how high the river would be when we arrived. There are many different sections so we knew there would still be one or two the sections to paddle. There was lots of evidence that the river had been quite high as of late, Vancouver Island had been having one of the wettest falls in recent memory.
We arrived to Woss falls and after having a look at flows we decided to put in at Gold Creek downstream of Woss, BC. This would mean two to three days on the Lower section, depending on what the flows were doing.
The Nimpkish is a very scenic trip and has some fun rapids. Lots of nice big eddies for the students, more of a pool drop river at it’s current flow. The group organized quickly as Laurel and myself ran shuttle. We had a few canoes, a raft and two kayaks. we spent the afternoon getting to Kapit creek, which would be our first nights camp. The group was working quite well and camp set up was great.
The next day we headed down through two of the larger rapids on this section, the Notch and Iron Mine. A bit of wood was around from higher previous flows. When we arrived at the bottom of Iron Mine we did a group checkin and decided to keep going with plans to run another river the next day. The river was looking like it was going to jump a bit over night.
The next day we packed up and headed off to a high water Campbell river run before heading back to Strathcona Park Lodge. Fantastic three days on the water.
Enjoy the photos below,

first strokes


fall colours

where did i put the …

team work

Raft by the river

diiner cooking

raft rigging

Kapit Creek group

Below the high water mark


White Canyon

Gangs all here

Elk river falls


peering over the edge

above the falls

red and orange

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