Old Blue, Truck that Paul Kindly lent me when I was in Whistler. Great for early morning Kayaking Missions. 8am at the Put in for the Rutherford. Photo by Max Kniewasser.
After getting some paddling done on the Vancouver Island, I planned to head over to Whistler to catch up with a bunch of the lads and lasses at Wedge. When I got a ride up and we drove over the Callaghan river I knew things where going to be interesting as I had never seen it that high in July.
Getting set up at Paul’s house was sweet, loaned me the fore mentioned blue truck and the boys at Wedge loaned me a kayak. I meet up with Ricky Lambert while I was there and we hooked up for a high water Upper Checkamus trip. That was fun in itself, as there was a tree to avoid below triple drop which made it a bit more exciting. Also good training for a couple of days later.
Max, Myself, Matt and Loran decided to head off to the Lower Green river. It was still running fairly high. I had been down there close to that level with Braden and Corey my first year in Whistler. A very entertaining run. A must to keep out an eye out for wood, which made for one good bruise on my back as we where ducking things here and there.
We continued further past the gravel pit which I hadn’t done before, and there was some nice stuff down there, also some not so nice stuff. Lots of logs. Helped to have Matt along as he had done the lower bit before. Good times on the Lower Green.
Author and Loran heading down the first drop below the rafting take-out on the Lower Green. Photo by Max Kniewasser.
Loran in the midst of it on the Lower Green. Photo by Max Kniewasser.
The result a second later. All good however. Photo by Max.
Max Kniewasser about to head off down the run out of the above rapid. Photo by Matt Kompass.
Max dropping in. Photo by Matt Kompass.
The next day the Rutherford was still running so a group of us went out and hit up the Upper section on the Rutherford river. Max and Graz continued down to run the Lower bit and almost beat us to the takeout. Max was buzzing with that trip and convinced me to do it again the next morning, not that hard to do.
7amish out the door and a bit before 8am we where at the put in. Both of us had brought cameras to try and get some early morning shots. An Hour and half later we had made it to the takeout. Not a bad days effort. Now Max was of to work and I was trying to find another paddling partner.
7amish out the door and a bit before 8am we where at the put in. Both of us had brought cameras to try and get some early morning shots. An Hour and half later we had made it to the takeout. Not a bad days effort. Now Max was of to work and I was trying to find another paddling partner.
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