Back in Late March

Typical meeting location
It was a beautiful day, a big group and a shorter road to the putin, which was at a shooting range and take out. With a big group, it all takes a bit longer. It was going to be a fun day to take photos as we headed down this beautiful river. There are a number of spots to get some good images.
It started off with trying to find the road to the put in which involved a couple of false starts. Once we headed into the woods and we made it down to the river at a great level of around 25cms. Perfect flow for a lot of the rapids.

Following Corey May to the Put-in
Copper Canyon on the Chemainus river is a beautiful place. It is the part of the Chemainus river as it wraps around Mt Prevost. Once you are in it would be would be quite the walk out through BC bush if something went wrong. There are some smaller rapids to start the day off and a lot of the action is after powerhouse rapid.

Lawerence Brennan Heading into Powerhouse rapid
Enjoy the Images Below
One response
Interesting blog post. Amazing photos. I will look you guys up next year when I am in Canada. If you are ever in Panama and want to go whitewater rafting in Boquete, let me know.