Cameron River
Located on the way to Port Alberni on Vancouver Island. This is a great creek. The call came from Shayne Vollmers that it would be running around 5-6 on the gauge. This is a very nice level for the Cameron. Provides nice consistent cushioning and nice flow so you can bomb down a lot of stuff. We met up at the gas station just outside Qualicum. Picked up a bit of fuel(read coffee) and we were on our way. Read through the rest of the story by pictures. Little write ups under some.
View from above, Steve Hunt running it in style. Love this little Tokina lens and watershed drybags which keep all my gear dry.

The logs which we were a bit interested to see where they ended up. This is where I landed my 8th roll of the day.

Steve Hunt finishing the hike out of the Cameron… where is the elevator? Beautiful forest to hike through.

Dave Prothero heading off to run shuttle…
© 2010 Dave Prothero Photoography/Rafting Life
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