This year was a fun year for paddling got on a few new rivers. Got to meet some new friends and paddle with some folks I hadn’t seen in a little while. I had hoped to get out more in the fall but we have had very low levels of water on Vancouver Island. Hoping for more rain/snow as we head into 2014. Look forward to more missions and adventures, some new festivals, new rivers, exploring, and friends. Big thanks to the support from Western Canoe and Kayak. A great paddle store on the mainland, great to deal with, and a great selection of boats and paddling accessories.
Enjoy the photos

Snowy day in January

Group after racing on the Gordon River

Lawerance on the Davie river, Vancouver Island

Youth Camp on the Cowichan River

Joe Box on the Middle Canyon of the Browns

Group of Paddlers on the Upper Canyon of the Chilliwack during the VKC Fest

Author running a drop on the Silverhope. Photo by Dan Dunn

Toni on Tarp and Play wave on the Puntledge river

Scott running the old weir on the Puntledge river

Shayne on the Alpine Browns

Jakub Drenc on a waterfall on the Kennedy river, Vancouver Island

Throwbag contest, Puntledge River Paddle Festival

COLT students bringing their canoe through Iron Mine Rapid, Nimpkish River

Relaxing by the Fire, Taseko/Chilko junction

Kayakers running Bidwell rapid, Chilko River

Rafts parked for the night at Big Creek Camp, Chilcotin river, BC

Big John Canyon, Chilcotin river, BC

Kiah hiking into the Stein river

Eion running a fun line on the Stein river

Driving home, waiting for the train.

Annie and Denny, on the Callaghan river

Annie running the waterfall on the Callaghan river

Out for a play on the Upper Quesnel river

Down river, Lower Quesnel river

Beautiful scenery, Lower Quesnel river

Tyler in the middle of the Cottonwood river, Quesnel, BC

Fun Times, Cottonwood river

Paul Dempsey running tombstone rapid on the Gold river

Mike Neville at play on the Puntledge river

Steve heading off on the Chemainus river

Fall time paddling in Copper Canyon, Chemainus river, Vancouver Island

Steve johnson on one of the bigger drops on Copper Canyon

Scott and Paul scouting one of the last rapids on the Upper Gold river

Paul coming through the Notch, Upper Gold river

Canoe going airborne during the final trip for the COLT students, Iron mine rapid, Nimpkish river

Float section, Nimpkish river

Steve and Cara on the last drop of the Cowichan river

Dave enjoying being out on the water, Cowichan river
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