Twice a year I do a three day trip down the Nimpkish river with the Canadian Outdoor Leadership Training students. It is always fun running down the river with a variety of craft. The trip varies from being warm in the spring to being a bit on the cold side in the fall. This year we had some pretty nice weather for November, just a bit of fresh snow on the hills, one night of rain and the rest of the trip was very nice.
Took out my raft again which makes packing the trip a bit easier, loving the AIRE raft that I purchased 2nd hand from Colin Angus. So far has been out a few times and hope to get it out on a couple of more missions this year. I have set up the photos from the trip in a slideshow below. Have been on a few trips to the North Island and look forward to enjoying a few more up there.
We ran the Upper section to past Woss falls on the first day, carrying on for the last two days down to Nimpkish Lake. Enjoy the photos of this great place.
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